Personal Training

Hello all,

If you live in Caledonia, NY or the surrounding areas, you now have another ally in your fitness journey! I am personal training at New York Fitness, 3163 State St., Caledonia, NY 14423. 

So why get a personal trainer? What can it do for you?

Well, there are a few reasons:

     1.) Guidance - a trainer will help you reach your goals the right way and make sure you're safe.

     2.) Accountability - Someone who cares about you, and will give you support and help you stay on track when it gets tough.

     3.) Feel great faster - A trainer who has been in the "trenches" for years may be able to give you tips to help shorten the learning curve.

     4.) Have fun! - An experienced trainer can help you have fun! What's that? You didn't think exercise could be fun? I'll show you how to mix it up so you don't get bored!

     5.) Break through a plateau - An experienced trainer may be able to find something that is keeping you from the results you want. Maybe there's one habit holding you back that you didn't see but the trainer picked up on it. 

     6.) Relationship - We all know that the wise have many advisors, right? Well a personal trainer will be another ally and friend by your side. A good trainer will always be open to help you.

     7.) Lasting results! - A trainer can show you how to achieve sustained results rather than fast results with a huge rebound. Who wants to work hard to reach their goals just to gain it all back and then some?

     8.) Encouragement - A trainer will lift you up when your down. Trainers are here to help, not just count reps!

But isn't it expensive?

It all comes down to how much you value your health. Do you need a personal trainer? Not necessarily. Can a personal trainer help you along the way and be a life-long advocate for your health? Absolutely! 

There are also package deals. Here's the pricing:

Number of Sessions
Single ($/session)
Group of 2-3 ($/session)
$30 (25% savings)
$30 (25% savings)
$20 (50% savings)

*Free consultation

I've seen many people come into the gyms day in and day out, year after year, constantly struggling to reach their goals. Please, don't be afraid to stretch out a hand and ask for help. Even trainers need other trainers to be their advocates. 

I'm here for YOU so please allow me the privilege of being your advocate. We can get better together.

Contact info:

Whether your goal is to lose weight, gain muscle, gain flexibility/mobility, perform better, or just feel better, give me a call.

Chris Finley
Phone: 585-978-2000


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